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您现在的位置:都市言情小说 > 逆天少女驭灵师 > 初 ‖初‖Chapters8.她不是那种人(第2页/共2页)
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初 ‖初‖Chapters8.她不是那种人(第2页/共2页)

anything else you wanna know, just ask me。

    Verse three:

    John F。 Kennedy’s enemies dealt with treachery, it interests me,

    Julie Campbell in Gucci sandals, she’s what a temptress be,

    The death of Anis Cosby, what a mystery,

    All of Chicago and Herald Washington, someone is sabotagin’ him,

    Watch out for the traps, Larry Troutman killed his brother, Roger Troutman, then he killed himself, that’s the end of Zapp,

    And I wouldn’t change a thing, mistakes of the greats,

    This is what came from they pain, from they hurt we gain, an unfair exchange。

    Chorus (background):

    As a blunt ash falls into the ashtray, I can see my whole life fly past me,

    Did I (Did I) keep it gangsta or keep it classy, and will the money and fame outlast me,

    The blunt’s ash fall down in the ash tray, will I see my whole life fly past me,

    I’m askin did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, (did I) anything else you wanna know, just ask me

    I can smell old bogie’s cigars,

    Knall Recam’s perfumes smellin just as sweet,

    Me and my wife K flyin in the drop-top like Ruby and OZ Davis baby, know what I mean,

    Yo man, get smoked out, start thinking about Hattie McDaniels,

    Got an Oscar for playing Mamie in ”Gone With the Wind,”

    And she didn’t even get allowed, wasn’t allowed to go to the premier,

    You believe that, couldn’t go to premier, to her joint,

    Man, you know they were strong back then yeah,

    Blunts, fallin, ashtray, ”【抱歉又在凑字了……】


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