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您现在的位置:都市言情小说 > 爱被流放时 > 第3卷 静待——花开 3
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第3卷 静待——花开 3

    I have been living with a shadow overhead


    I have been sleep+ing with a cloud above my bed


    I have been lonely for so long


    Trapped in the past, I just can not seem to move on


    I have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away


    Just in case I ever need them again someday


    I have been setting aside time


    To clear a little space in the corners of my mind


    All I want to do is find a way back into love


    I can not make it through without a way back into love


    I have been watching but the stars refuse to shine


    I have been searching but I just do not see the signs


    I know that it is out there


    There is got to be something for my soul somewhere


    I have been looking for someone to shed some light


    Not just somebody just to get me throught the night


    I could use some direction


    And I am open to your suggestions


    All I want to do is find a way back into love


    I can not make it through without a way back into love


    And if I open my heart again


    I guess I am hop+ing you will be there for me in the end


    There are moments when I do not know if it is real


    Or if anybody feels the way I feel


    I need insp+iration


    Not just another negotiation


    All I want to do is find a way back into love


    I can not make it through without a way back into love


    And if I open my heart to you


    I am hop+ing you will show me what to do


    And if you help me to start again


    You know that I will be there for you in the end



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本站所收录第3卷 静待——花开 3-爱被流放时、书库评论及本站所做之广告均属其个人行为,与本站立场无关