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您现在的位置:都市言情小说 > 一起弹奏青春的旋律 > 第1卷 第十二章(第1页/共2页)
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第1卷 第十二章(第1页/共2页)








    “说够了没,月,你的调查表呢,怎么还没上交。我警告你,三十分钟之内在不上交,你的信用卡将会全部被我冻结,你自己给我想好,做得好的话,我能考虑一下让 Candice (前面说过的哦,知名设计师,乎乎喵~~~)帮你独家设计一件 Green Apple 系列的衣服,你不是一直想要他帮你设计吗?”熙在一边冷冷地说着,还在一直工作,在笔记本电脑上不停的敲打着。

    “真的真的吗?姐,你确定,让 Candice 帮我设计衣服,天呐,他可是被你霸占了十几年啊。好我马上去,老姐你要遵守诺言哦。”月就像脱弦之箭冲了出去。

    风吃惊的整个人趴在办公桌上,眼睛瞪大的看着熙:“熙,月说的是真的? Candice 一直被你霸占?”


    “嘿嘿”,风一脸贼笑,“能不能也让 Candice 能给我弄一套啊。我曾经好几次求他,他都把我给回绝了55555,好不嘛,熙。”


    Just one last dance。。。。oh baby。。。just one last dance

    We meet in the night in the Spanish café

    I look in your eyes just don't know what to say

    It feels like I'm drowning in salty water

    A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise

    tomorrow will come an it's time to realize

    our love has finished forever

    how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)

    how I wish we make it through

    Just one last dance

    before we say goodbye

    when we sway and turn round and round and round

    it's like the first time

    Just one more chance

    hold me tight and keep me warm

    cause the night is getting cold

    and I don't know where I belong

    Just one last dance

    The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar

    I'll never forget how romantic they are

    but I know' tomorrow I'll lose the one I love

    There's no way to come with you

    it's the only way to do

    Just one last dance

    before we say goodbye

    when we sway and turn round and round and round

    it's like the first time

    Just one more chance

    hold me tight and keep me warm

    cause the night is getting cold

    and I don't know where I belong

    Just one last dance


    Just one last dance

    before we say goodbye

    when we sway and turn round and round and round

    it's like the first time

    Just one more chance

    hold me tight and keep me warm

    cause the night is getting cold

    and I don't know where I belong

    Just one last dance

    before we say goodbye

    when we sway and turn round and round and round (When we sway turn around)

    it's like the first time(hold my tight oh my love)

    Just one more chance

    hold me tight and keep me warm

    cause the night is getting cold(the night is getting cold)

    and I don't know where I belong(don't know where I belong)

    Just one last dance

    Just one last dance

    Just one more chance

    Just one last dance



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