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初 ‖初‖Chapters8.她不是那种人(第1页/共2页)






















    Yo I wonder if Langston Hughes and Alex Hailey got blazed before they told stories,

    Well I’m gonna get blazed before I tell y’all stories,

    I saw on TV today this man lost his son, his son died,

    So he had him cremated, took his ashes, and made it into a diamond ring

    Now he watch his son shine everyday,

    I just thought about that, while I sit here ashin in this ash tray

    Verse One:

    The makin’ of a mad man who entered stories of Devante Swing,

    Eva Gardner, the crashin of James Dean,

    Bobby Brown, influenced by Rick James it goes,

    Prince wanted Alexander O’ Neill to be Morris Day or Jerome,

    But Alex was puttin’ coke in his nose nigga while it,

    Could be a myth but I swear that the source was close, Phyllis Hyman,

    Killed himself it was crazy, mommy was bad, they say,

    Donny Hathaway freefall from a balcony, he sways


    As a blunt ash falls into the ashtray, I can see my whole life fly past me,

    Did I (Did I) keep it gangsta or keep it classy, and will the money and fame outlast me,

    The blunt’s ash fall down in the ash tray, will I see my whole life fly past me,

    I’m askin did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, (did I) anything else you wanna know, just ask me。

    Verse Two:

    Sam trusted Womack with his main lady, he tossin’ in the grave like ‘this is how you repay me,’

    A change goin’ come, wish you didn’t trust me so much,

    Marvin said ‘No mountains high enough,’ fly stuff,

    David Ruffin was punchin’ Tammy Tyrell, gave her concussions,

    While, the Funk Brothers was layin’ down the percussions,

    When Flo from the Supremes died, Diana Ross cried,

    Many people said that she was laughing inside (Why?)。


    As a blunt ash falls into the ashtray, I can see my whole life fly past me,

    Did I (Did I) keep it gangsta or keep it classy, and will the money and fame outlast me,

    The blunt’s ash fall down in the ash tray, will I see my whole life fly past me,

    I’m askin did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, (did I)

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本站所收录初 ‖初‖Chapters8.她不是那种人(第1页/共2页)-逆天少女驭灵师、书库评论及本站所做之广告均属其个人行为,与本站立场无关